martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Pride & Prejudice Movie 1

The first scene of the movie describes what the story is about. Five sisters spying on the new guy on the newighborhood. They begin talking about him eventhough they do not know him. The five girls seem inocent of spying, this still foreshadows the story.

Troughtout this book there are many scenes of prejudice for example at the ball. Mr. Darcy liked Elizabeth and instead of talking to her he would listen to what she would say " he looked at her only to criticize". Can you see? Even Mr. Darcy has prejudice. When he met her at the ball he was criticizing her without even knowing her. The prejudice is something that is in everyone in this book. By the end of the story these two character realize that they actually liked each other.

Prejudice can lead you to many things. It can separate you from a friendship. Sometimes people have prejucide because they feel jelousy towards that person. Even I judge people when I don`t know them and sometimes it is because they have somthing I want. It could be a pice of cloting or just because they are pretty.

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