lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

The Road - Cormac McCarthy End

Hope is a topic that McCarthy shows throug out The Road. The hope that give the father to his child eventhough the world has been dstroyed. The father created a magical world to the boy from his memories. "In his dream she was sick and he cared for her. The dream bore the look of sacrifice
but he thought differently." (McCarthy 16). Here this is one of the fathers dream; he dreamed often with the mother.
"I wish I was with my mom.(...)
You musnt say that.(...)
We're survivors "McCarthy 28)
Here the it seem the child wants to surrender towards the situation they have been summited to  but, the father tells him they are "survivors" and I think that this might given strenght and hope to the boy.
"We're still the good guys.
And we always will be.
Yes. We always will be." (McCarthy 39)
The boy was worried of converting into one of the cannibals because the conditions they live in were very harsh. McCarthy shows the reader how still the father continues giving hope to his child.
"You're going to be okay, Papa. You have to.
No I'm not. Keep the gun with you at all times. You need to find the good guys
but you cant take any chances. No chances. Do you hear?" (McCarthy 149)
The father was strugulling to live untile he realized that he come to an end. The boy noticed it and the father gave him support and hope by telling him that there were still good people out there and eventhough they were on the south the boy had to continue his journey. And so the boy did and found a new family.

The Road - Cormac McCarthy 3

The Road is narrated and it tells the reader every detail of the setting. "The cold and the silence. The ashes of the late world carried on the bleak and temporal winds to and fro in the void." (McCarthy 6). Here we can see the descriptions that the narrator uses and makes the reader feel in the setting. With this quote when the narrator says "late world" he describes how the world is and he might mean that the world is so destroyed that it has been delayed. McCarthy makes the reader feel in the setting when the narrator says "the cold and the silence". This makes the reader feel in a sad and lonley environment, just like the one that the father and child were in.

When I was reading The Road the narrator made me feel in a sad environment because of the way he described the way of living of the dad and the boy. Also the way that the father talks to his child in a mature way  He also says what the charcters talk but he does not use quotations. Why would McCarthy do that? Does he want to avoid characterizing the father and the child?

"Can I ask you something? he said.
Yes. Of course.
Are we going to die?
Sometime. Not now." (McCarthy 5)
If I were to be summited to that I would not be able to hanndle it. We an see with the qoute that the boy recieved it calmly.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

The Gardener`s Tale

Once there was a lonely gardener
He had worked all his life with good maners
A young man who had made money of his own.
But, he had nobody to share sice he was so lone
Though he had on his mind only one person
His boss`s daghter was the right person.

They would always stare at each other
Something strange was her mom starring the Gardener
There was a love triangle between them
But nobody had realized him.
The mom and daughter liked the gardener,
And the gardener liked the daughter.

He did not have the brightest ideas of all,
Approaching the mom to then approach the mall.
Each time he spoke more and more to the mom
Each time she would feel comfortable with rum
One day the mother called the gardener
She asked him to come in and gather.
He was seduced and had an affair
They continued even though he liked Blair.

The dad would leave early and return late,
The girl would go to school and return at eight.
Meanwhile the gardener and mom would have an affair.
One morning the girl was sick so she stayed
Then she was woken-up with strange sounds
Suddenly she went to her parent’s room.
Before she knocked, she looked through a hole
Her mom and gardener were having amour!
Quietly she stared but, her phone rang.
The gardener’s first reaction was bang!
The gardener had his ankle broke.
The daughter told his dad with hope
She was proud of it even though her heart was not.
The gardener was fired and so was the mom.

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

The Road - Cormac McCarthy 2

Death Makes you want to Live More

In The Road McCarthy constantly shows the reader death. He makes the reader a dead panorama; cities have been destroyed, there are no crops, no animals, no civilizations. We know that the boy`s mom died before the book even started and he is alone with his dad since the beggining of it. What they want the least is to die and it is something that they face through out the story. They have been put through living in houses with no roofs or even caves. If I would be in that situation still living I think I would not be able to take it anymore and evethough I were to be alive mentally, I would be dead. To be in that situation, knowing that you are alone "in the world" just with your child and that there is a group of canibals that want to eat you; you have to be mentally prepared.

The Road reminded me of AVATAR the movie because when Jake Sully is in his avatar in the forest of Pandora he had to be aware of everything that was surrounding him. Like the man Jake had to be aware of the people of the humans that wanted to kill him since he had "betrayed the human race", the canibals want to end with the  humans because they are famishing; therefore, the man is contantly aware when he walks through the roads. How could the man act so inteligent, eventhough people were trying to kill him? What was what made him act in a heroic way that pushed him to protect his child more and more?

The Road - Cormac McCarthy 1

Survival Changes 360º

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a book that has shoked me of what I have read. The key to life is survival and I know that people do what the can to survive. For example in "el monte" when people have been kid-napped some of them have survived because of the way they have interacted and faced reality. In this book the father has been protecting his child from everything, even in his sleep. He wakes up and the fist thing he does is touch his child verifying he is still there. He always carries a revolver with three bullets but, he used one because one of the canibals tried to kid-nap his child. In this scene we can see how the father does what he can to help his child survive by shooting the man and running away with his kid on the back.

The father and the boy are constantly surviving through out the story. There has been a natural disaster and there are no more crops, animal and people are famishing. They have to face a strong winter that makes them each time weaker and weaker. Their goal is getting to the coast were they think they might have a better way of life. This could be related to the people that have been "desplazado/a" and have had to survive with the only thing they have with them, most of the time their family. The desplazados have to continue with their lifes and try to do as much as they can to survive, like the man had to shoot a canibal that wanted to kid-nap is child. I do not think that the desplazados would do that but, I do belive that might risk many thing to save their love ones.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe

In The Raven the narrator is suffering a sorrow because he lost Lenore. Aparently a visitor comes; but, it is not an ordinary visitor, it is a raven. The narrator could be related to the raven because the raven represents lonliness. He also looks desperate by the way he starts telling the raven that it is evil.

What happened to the narrator it could be related with myself because sometimes I feel lonley since my parents are not comprehensive. That way I feel alone and despair; it makes me think non-senses. For example when the narrator started shouting to the raven "Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!" He looked mad. This happen when people have sad and depressing moments, he lost Lenore.

I wonder why did Poe elected a raven instead of a human or a "fictional" crature? I think that he might of chosen the raven because ravens are loners and are scary animals. The scenery matched with the story because it gave the reader a cold environment of a "lonley" graveyard.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Pardoners Tale

In this story there are three men at a ar drinking and gabling meanwhile there is a funeral out side. When they go out side to take a sneek peek they meet with a strage man that showed them the way to "eternal life" and where death was. When the thee men arrive there what they find bars of gold. Meanwhile one of them goes out the two that stayed planed to kill him so they could stay with the gold. In this scene there is a lot of ambition and hipocracy; it shows the limit that people can reach when there is a fortune in the way. But, when the man returned he poisone the two mens food so he stayed with all the gold.

This showed that everyone most of the time try to reach power and people even risk friendships to obtain what they want. Hypocracy is a main theme here because it is what the three friends do to each other. Ambition is another tipic because the three men wanted more and more. Didn`t they thought before of the consecuences of their actions?
This reaminds me of the empire of Alexander The Great because he wanted more and more power. It came to a limit that his own friends got tired of him and there was a rumor that he was poisoned by his friends because they could not take any more the struggle and battles that Alexander had put them through. Here we can see that there is hipocracy or back stabbing and also the ambition that Alexander had for more power.

Wife of Bath


A women that has been married to five different men makes me thing of someone with a lot of insecuritues because he/she has to be constantly with someone. That person might have insecurities of being left alone. In every different menthe women would find a unique like, so is she a player? or was she actually in love with all five men?


Superfeciality is something that many people care about and in the Wife of Bath Tale the knight cared a lot of superfecility and that is why he was not satified with his marriege. That marriage was a hurried decition but, it saved his life. If it weren`t for her he would have been dead.

I think that this topic can be related to the movie Mean Girls. In that school students are divided superfecially by their appereance. Just like the knight used to focus only in women with a good appereance. At the end of the movie the caracters realize that what really matters is what is insede not on the surface. The knight at the end of the sory realized that if he learned to love his old and ugly women just the way she was he would see thebeautiful in him.