lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

The Road - Cormac McCarthy 2

Death Makes you want to Live More

In The Road McCarthy constantly shows the reader death. He makes the reader a dead panorama; cities have been destroyed, there are no crops, no animals, no civilizations. We know that the boy`s mom died before the book even started and he is alone with his dad since the beggining of it. What they want the least is to die and it is something that they face through out the story. They have been put through living in houses with no roofs or even caves. If I would be in that situation still living I think I would not be able to take it anymore and evethough I were to be alive mentally, I would be dead. To be in that situation, knowing that you are alone "in the world" just with your child and that there is a group of canibals that want to eat you; you have to be mentally prepared.

The Road reminded me of AVATAR the movie because when Jake Sully is in his avatar in the forest of Pandora he had to be aware of everything that was surrounding him. Like the man Jake had to be aware of the people of the humans that wanted to kill him since he had "betrayed the human race", the canibals want to end with the  humans because they are famishing; therefore, the man is contantly aware when he walks through the roads. How could the man act so inteligent, eventhough people were trying to kill him? What was what made him act in a heroic way that pushed him to protect his child more and more?

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