martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Pride & Prejudice 9-12

Pride, something that classify`s others. I had pride when I fell off my horse and stood up and rode him again. I also have pride when I argue with someone, I do  not ask for forgiveness unless it is something grave. Elizabeth is the second daughter and she is inteligent, logical and has a lot of pride.

When she whent to visit Jane at Netherfield she got in an arguement with Mr. Darcy "he merley answered her question, and read on" (Austen 41). Darcy seems to have a lot of pride and Austen portrays hims as someone with a pride and he is too cool for school, he likes to be begged. Yet in the arguement both of them have pride and the environment they live in has created their personality " vanity is a weekness indeed. But pride-where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation" (Austen 43).

Inglorious Basterds, a movie that I loved showed the pride that Germans had when they were going to get killed. Leutetent Aldo Raine (Pitt) is an american soldier that hates the Nazis and when he captures some germans he tries to manipulate them but they have a lot of pride that they won`t tell him a word eventhough they have consecuences.

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