martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Pride & Prejudice 5-8

Jane started falling in love with Mr. Bingley. Somehting different that I noticed that differed her from her mother was the humbleness she had towards it. She did not feel superior than her other sisters for dancing two times with Bingley at the ball. Humbleness is something that not everyone has and is something hard to have. Usually people want to be the best and show what they have to impress others. In my school that usually happens; people think that the more they show the better they are. The more expensive the clothes they wear the cooler they are. Eventhough it is my school and I love my school that anoys me a little because eventhough money does cover a lot of things in life, it does not cover everything. Therefore, in this book I like Jane a lot, She is not complicated.

However Mrs. Bennets vanity for her and her daughters increases. She send Jane to Netherfield so she could tell everybody that her daughter is soon going to get engaged to Bingley and that a male in the Bennets takes the bussines in case of Mr. Bennets death. The longer she stays there the better :" Jane should therefore, make the most of every half hour in which she can command his attention. When she is secure of him, there will be leisure for falling in love..." (Austen 15). Parental peer preasure might be very disturbing for every child. In this situation Jane has peer preasure from her mother to stay longer at the Bentley`s. Still she likes Mr. Bentley so it might not be so rough. Of course my parents want the best for me but, somethimes they put peer preasure on me when we look at Universities I want to go  and like, the preasure me and it is annoying.

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