martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Hamlet Outside of Denmark, Beyond Time

Freud on Hamlet:

Freud said: "the dream of nakedness(...) when one wishes to escape or hide". This is what is happening to Hamlet. He wants to escape from what he is living  and wants to die; "to be or not to be"(III.1.64). Hamlet is put through many peer preasure of himself, he wants to figure out who murdered his father and he constantly thinks about that, therefore; he is overwelmed with what is happening to him. This is a problem that is constantly in Hamlets mind and if you want to constantly think or dream about it you will always think about it: "The relation of our typical dreams to fairy-tales and other fiction and poetry is neither sporadic nor accidental." (Freud). We can see how this happens to Hamlet when his father`s gohst appears in act 1 scene : "I am thy father`s spirit," (I.5.14). "if anyone wishes to call Hamlet an hysterical subject I cannot but admit that this is the deduction to be drawn from my interpretation" ( Freud) What freud said in this quote is something that I consider very true. Hamlet is hysterical. He is irrational from fear which  makes him hysterical. Through out the play he had an anger, fear towards Claudius, his father`s assasin.

Is Hamlet the real problem of Hamlet?"Hamlet the play is the primary problem, and Hamlet the character only secondary."(T.S.Eliot). In fact he is a problematic character who will not rest until he gets revenge from his father`s murder therefore, he causes a constant tension between the characters, for example when he did the Mousetrap or play: "That`s wormwood!" (III.2.204). In this scene Hamlet wants to figure out if Claudius and Gertrude killed his father. The reaction they had towards the play ended up being relevant to what Hamlet wanted to know. Getrude is a character that has two faces and she summits Hamlets into a lot of preasure "Hamlet is up against the difficulty that his disgust is occasioned by his mother, but that his mother is not an adequate equivalent for it; his disgust envelops and exceeds her" ( T.S. Eliot). We see that she betrayed him in many different ways, for example when she killed Hamlet senior and married Claudius. Also when Hamlet accidentally killed Plonius she wanted to kill her own son.

Hamlet is an optimistic character. We can see that through out the play he is in a soul searching. He wants to find with himself and be satisfied. Since the begining of the story he has the preasure of his father`s gohst that he needs to take revenge of the murderers of his father. One of the actors of Discovering Hamlet (part 1) says "the part is in control of you" and what he might want to say is that Hamlet is such a hard character to interpret because he has so many going in his mind that he is indicicive of what he is doing all the time; he is such a great character that it controls you. In this play every character plays an important role"Shakespear gives each character to touch the audience" (part 3). For example Ophelia was a secondary character and she touched the audience when she is mad after her father`s death.

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