Pride and prejidice is what this book talks about "a single man in possession of a good fortune" (Austen 1). Society has many unequalities and the main one is the money. Money is very important for the majority of the people. Money is what gives them food, clothes, shelter and a social status. Vain people care a lot of their social status as we can see in this lecture how Mrs. Bennet judges with out even knowing. She reminds me of The Great Gatsby. Gatsby a man who had nothing inside but only cared on what was on the outside. What I think that happened to him was that he preasured himself to be the best and then, society continued preasuring him.
Every father wants the best for its child. Mrs. Bennet probably wants the best gentelmen for her five daughters but, she is so focused on superficiality that she rushes. "They attacked him in various ways -with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises" (Austen 5), That family is such a gossip that by the "attacking questions" Austen shows the reader the jelousy that the Bennet`s have towards others.
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