Nature has different significance to many people. The Amazonian Rainforest has a lot of power and is very rich in natures. However, when I whent there I had a terrible expirience. It was the worst trip of my life because I constantly suffered. On the other hand when I whent to Machipichu I felt something different and had an amazing time. The conection I had with Machupichu was compleatley different and it was something I enjoyed a lot. People feel identified with different places and feel differently about them.
In the Heart of Darckness, Marlow the narrator has a wierd expirience of his identification with the Congo. Since he had had a terrible expirience there he pictured it as hell when: "all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men" (Conrad 7). It is ovious that is is a different world for him and that he has to see something new. This is probably what happened to me in the Amazon. We both disliked the place we were in and that is why we did not say positive things about it. Also when he "began to feel slightly uneasy" (Conrad 15). Conrad shows that Marlow is not in his confort area and that makes the reader think that he might be in a unconfortable place. However, this might not be uncomfortable for the "savages" (Conrad 7) in the area.
People have different points of view. What depens in the point of view of the person is the situation that they are taking in that moment. For example, Marlow was in a job for exporting ivory. There he was not in the best conditions because he and his men had to be in mines and uncomfortable places but, for the slaves/deamons that place might have a different significance because they lived there and had a different significance.
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