viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Heart of Darkness - Colonization

Colonization is what surrounds us everytime even though we do not notice it. Men has been colonized by other men during the existence of men. Earth has a large area colonized by men. Colonization is not only taking or inhabiting a piece of land you owned but also you taking a property of someone. You can colonize a land, a house, even a Job.

In the Heart of Darkness we can see how colonization is a topic that is constant . This is shown because white men have taken oven the land of africans (in the Congo) , expand and take control of the people in that territory. However that is not the only `scene` of colonization shown in the book. However, colonialism is shown among the characters. This is when Kurtz wants to take over the managers job when "he has asked the administrator to be sent there" (Conrad 55). What happens here is that men try to colonize men. Therefore, it becomes a hard struggle because boath of them have equal andvantages and disadvantages. The manager was doing his job and Kurtz was a great merchant and man leader. Furthermore, he was not able to take the managers job. This was an example of how colonization in the book is something strong eventhough we do not notice it.

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