martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Migrations -Dorian Merina

Migrations is a poem and a shortfilm written by Dorian Merina. Dorian tells the reader the dificulty with imigrants in the world, specially in the americas and in africa. She also talked about the conquista, which made me feel unconfotable while I was watching the clip because the narrator said it so simple that it showed no importance. This poem has made me think a lot of the conquista and the slavery arround the world.

The way the poems starts "On the boats come the goods that cross the waters" I interpreted it as if a nation is on a voyage to new horrizons and it makes me wonder if the voyage will be a failure or succesful. This could also be related to a real life expirience for imigrants that move to different countries in order to live a different life.

The narrator continued with a list of food that is grown in the americas; such as, avocado, calanaza. Then there is a list of the races of the people that have integrated between each other and it made me think of Thanksgiving because the Pilgrims and the Indian natives decided to  share the wealth.

"...of smooth-abdomened ants carry blond eggs..." is a quote that reminded me of a movie, Gone With the Wind; which talks about the American Civil War for colored people`s rights. Scaret (Leigh) is a women of a wealthy family with slaves and eventhough U.S.A is on war the slaves (ants) would be taking care of her(blond eggs) and would be protected as if she were part of their family.

Migrations ending is the closing of the poems as if it was the return to home. This can be shown as a real life challenges; someones dream may begin on the right foot but, it may end in the wrong foot. Eventhoug the spaniards conquered the Americas and expanded their territory, they caused a lot of missery by tourturing the natives. As well as in Gone With the Wind, Scarlet had her slaves for a long time but, she ended up in the missery with nothing  in her hands. Dorian Merina showed the reader that this can happen in many different  societies and it is something that will happen constantly. She opened the poem with what she ended it; therefre, eventhough something is over there will be a new movement starting.

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