martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Act III.3

Shakespear shows an agressive Hamlet in Act III. Hamlet is put through many rough situations and he is alone in this one. In the play it is shown that he wants to make justice with his father`s death: "Mother, you have my father much offended" (III.4.13). Eventhough Gertrude is his mother he is going against her will and confronts he with what he does not agree. Revenge is something that Hamlet wants a lot in this moment and he is almost sure that Gerturude and Claudius had to do with his father`s death. When he is shouting at his mother he accidentally kills Polonius: "How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead."(III.4.29). Shakespear portrays here an agressive Hamlet that the only thing he thinks about is revenge and kiling.

This situation can happen today in different aspects. For example when someone is blamed for something they have not done. In many cases they pay for the mistakes of others like it happened to Polonius. It is not fair and I consider that people should think before acting. Still we can see that Hamlet did not meant to kill Plonius but he did and it was an accident. Accidents happen but there are ways to prevent it and one of thoes ways is think before acting.

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Act III.2

In Act III the environment is very mistic. Shakeaspear shows a mutual betrail between the characters. The King Claudius wants to know what is happening to Hamlet, why is he so transformed so he asked Ophelia to be a spy for him: "For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither,/ That he, as ’twere by accident, may here/ Affront Ophelia./ Her father and myself (lawful espials)/ Will so bestow ourselves that, seeing unseen,/ We may of their encounter frankly judge,/ And gather by him, as he is behaved,/ If ’t be the affliction of his love or no/ That thus he suffers for." (III.1.30-38). Here we can see that Claudius wants to know what is happening to Hamlet and he is arranging plans so he can figure it out.

Hamlet does not stay behind and also planned to uncover Claudius and Gertrude. He is almost sure that they had to do with his father`s death. Therefore, Hamlet set-up a play with a similar situation as that one he was going through and he would notice if they had something to do because of their reaction while watching the play: "The Mousetrap. Marry, how? Tropically. This play is the image of a murder done in Vienna." (III.2.22-23). In this act there has been shown more anger of Hamlet towards his fathers death and it is shown by the Mousetrap.

Act III.1

"To be or not to be" (III.1.64) Hamlet`s famous quote. Hamlet is transformed since his father`s murder and he is going mad. Death is something he thinks about very often. I do not know if he wants to die but, he has been suffering a lot and he is overwelmed: "To die, to sleep / (...) The heartache and the thousand of natural shocks" (III.1.68-70). He is devastated and death is the only thing he thinks about. Death because his father died, death because he wants to die.

In this speech Hamlet looks at death as something positive. I would say that death is not positive because you disapear from your love ones, you stop being aware that you existed, everything fades away. He sees death as an escape from the tragedy he is being summited. Death might be the escape of many problems but it is not the apropiate way to "solve problems". The problem will not be solved but evaded.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Hamlet - Character Comparison

Hamlet has been put through many things in so little time. His father, the king died and his mother re-married another king within a month. In the clip of Act 1 Scene 2 Hamlet is furious because his mother re-married someone else in  a short period of time. He does not agree with that. The Hamlet shown in this clip is shown as a gentle men by the way he walks and dreses, afterall the is a King. Eventhough he is devastated with his mom`s actions he does not loose himself by going crazy. The scene shows Hamlet as someone that can control himself. In the other clip, Act 2 Scene 2 the director shows the audience a transformed Hamlet. Hamlet seems devastated and upset with his mom, marrying another king and he is going crazy. Here Hamlet is shown as a completeley diferent character who does not look like a King. His costume represents a bad image of him, an image of a careless man because he is not in a formal uniform and is barefooted.

These two clips compared we can see two diferent Hamlets. Eventhoug both of them are devastated for the bad news of the queen they are shown as completley diferent people. Why might Hamlet have transformed so drastically? The same dilema was ocurring in boath scenes and many changes occur. The image of someone is important because it is what represents you. Here in both scenes it was the same Hamlet but since he had a different image it showed the viewer how weak can the character be or how strong can he reamin.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Krapp's Last Tape

Krapp shows himself as a man that has failed in life and that his dream has not been acomplished. That is shown when he listens to his tapes he had recorded througout his life. In the tapes he would tell expiriences he had, for exmaple his mother's death or even when he dated a women. With the tapes I noticed that in his "previoues life" he had been someone. He seems disapointed of himself because now he is old and nothing interesting happens in his life. When Krapp is listening to the tapes the audience can see that each time Krapp would isolate more and more from society.

In the play Krapp is the only character that appears but, I think that there are shown two sides of Krapp. There is shown the sucessful Krapp and solitary Krapp. The sucessfull Krapp is the Krapp of the recordings and the solitary Krapp is the man in the room eating bannana and listening to his tapes. While he listens to his tapes he shows disapointment on himself. How come he used to be a succesful man and came to  be a loner?

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010


The Great Gatsby
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaslessly into the past."
We take everything into reverse and go back  from where we started.

The Road
"In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery"
Nature will reamain with it's enigma and it won't change, men will not be at its same pace.